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BeeCircular Portfolio

Get to know some of the Programs, Projects, Mentorships, Events and Trainings that we have already carried out


Ategina Program (2021/2023)

Services: Consulting, Development and Training

External consultancy for TagusValley - Science and Technology Park, within the scope of Startup ZERO, where we are responsible for developing the first interdisciplinary educational program for secondary education, centered on the circular economy, and also for training monitors to implement this program in the classroom, in partnership with the teachers.(+info)

HACKATHON Startup Zero

Services: Consulting, Development of Activities and Training

The STARTUP ZERO Hackathon is one of the activities of the Startup ZERO project, where we have been collaborating as consultants and external trainers. In collaboration with Hora Communication, we have developed and have been facilitating these intensive actions, which support university students to understand how they can apply the circular economy in their entrepreneurship projects, enhancing their competitiveness, impact and innovative profile.(+info)

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REiNOVA_SI Project (2021/2022)

Services: Consulting; Project management; Diagnosis of Opportunities; Support and Implementation of Proposals; Creation of Materials (Ebooks and Templates).

Participation in two phases of the co-financed transnational cooperation project between Portugal and Spain REiNOVA_SI (Re-industrialization of the agri-food sector – Sustainability and Innovation), which aims to promote the use of circular economy practices in microenterprises and SMEs in the agri-food sector. 

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Alentejo Promotion and Qualification Network Project (2022)

Services: Training, Mediation and Event Facilitation

Within the scope of the project “Network for the Promotion of Qualification and Knowledge in the Alentejo”, led by CCDR Alentejo, we facilitated 2 meetings/workshops related to the theme of “Sustainable Bioeconomy”. The main goal of these actions was to unite representatives of some of the organizations in the Alentejo region that carry out more relevant work in this area, in order to discuss future trends for the affirmation of the region.(+ info)

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BeeTheFuture Program (2021)

Services: Creation and Implementation of the Program; Training of Young Eco-entrepreneurs

Creation and Implementation of the “BeeTheFuture - Alimentar para Regenerar” Programme, aimed at young people in professional education or entrepreneurs working in the agri-food/hospitality sector. We streamlined the Circular Economy Workshop - Practical Application to the Agri-Food Sector, in order to enable participants to bechangemakersof Circular Economy.

“From Linear to Circular London 2021” program

Services: Mentorship of Circular Projects

As one of the EMF Pioneers (2021), the founder of BeeCircular was one of the mentors of the Ellen Macarthur Foundation's "From Linear to Circular 2021" program, where she accompanied one of the teams, supporting it in the process of creating improvement proposals , for the challenge proposed to the team.

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aRoundTable Event (2020/2021)

Service: Event Facilitation and Mediation

In the years 2020 and 2021 BeeCircular was one of the facilitators of the global event aRoundTable, which focuses on promoting debate among citizens, in order to answer the question "how can we, through the circular economy, promote economic recovery" and the creation of concrete initiatives, in the local context.

Roadshow “Let's talk about Eco-innovation” (2019/2020)

Service: Training of Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Between 2019 and 2020 BeeCircular facilitated 15 training and workshops within the scope of the Circular Economy, focused on the themes of Eco-innovation and Eco-entrepreneurship, training and preparing more than 300 current and future entrepreneurs for the transition of companies to the circular economy.

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Social Green Lab Program (2019)

Service: Planning, Creation and Training of Potential Entrepreneurs 

Organized by the Eugénio de Almeida Foundation (FEA) and facilitated by BeeCircular, the Green Lab Social Ecoentrepreneurship Program aimed to train participants and potential entrepreneurs and promote the creation of new initiatives of entrepreneurship and social innovation with an environmental focus, such as the development of a business plan aligned with the principles and model of the Circular Economy. 

Plástico à Vista Project (2019)

Service: Eco-event organization; Catering ZeroWaste; Development of recreational and educational activities

Coordinated by EDA - Ensaios e Diálogos Associação and co-financed by the European Union and Camões IP within the scope of the No Planet B - AMI project, BeeCircular participated in the Plástico à Vista Project (PAV) as a partner, collaborating in the organization of the event, catering service inauguration zero waste. It also contributed to the construction of the itinerant mini-station for the transformation of plastic waste and the production of recreational and educational activities in the coastal area of Almada.

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